The Brazil Fortaleza East Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
October 2, 2013-2015

Monday, December 16, 2013

November 25, 2013

 Hey Everyone- 
I taught a lesson in church this week - I taught Gospel Principles to all the recent converts. They are mostly Philipino or Polynesian and from there, so they all have thick accents. I taught about tithing, and they had a lot of questions....most of which the answer was just "that's a decision you make between you and the Lord"  but they kept throwing them at me. One guy was asking me a question in English and then slipped into Tagolog at the end of the question and I just kind of stood there with what I'm sure was a stupid look on my face haha but eventually someone translated.
I know we have someone we're going to eat with on Thanksgiving, but I don't know who yet haha. It will be pretty weird not being with y'all for the first time, but it's only two holiday seasons I'm missing!
A lot of really cool things happened this week. On Wednesday, a member called us and told us her neighbor had just found out his cancer was coming out of remission, and he and his family were having a hard time. She asked him if he wanted a blessing from us, and he said yes. so we went over there and I anointed him with the oil and elder Richeson gave the blessing. Afterward, his wife wanted a blessing too, and then his sister-in-law, and then his brother wanted a healing blessing as well. So we gave four blessings to this Catholic family, and the Spirit was so strong there. The family was all crying and thanking us and hugging us and saying they want to feed us dinner sometime. So they could be potential investigators! I'm really glad we got to share that experience with them. We also gave our Bishop a blessing the other night, when we had dinner with his family,  because he's been sick lately. and yesterday, we and the other two elders in our district went to the hospital and gave a blessing to a teenager with leukemia, because one of the members in our ward who has a baby daughter with leukemia as well, made friends with the family of the boy. So much Spirit this week!
We took our investigator, Sean, to the visitors center at the temple this week, and he came to church this Sunday. He's 13 and has ADD, so he has a hard time focusing and remembering everything in our lessons, but he wants to learn and be baptized, and has a baptism date for December 8th. So we made some good progress with him this week!
Everything is going great! I wish I had more time to tell you everything that's going on, but that's about all I got! I love you!!
Elder Poulson 

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